Thursday, June 21, 2012

Phacoemulsification in an albino patient. These patients have lack of pigment in the eyes, hairs and skin, abnormal eye movements and subnormal vision since childhood, but with the development of cataract, later in life they have increase in the symptoms of glare, intolerance to bright light and further reduction in vision.

Cataract surgery is very rewarding in these cases when indicated for the above mentioned symptoms. This patient was very satisfied and and engineer by profession, was able to resume his full working abilities.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Convergent squint in a young girl corrected by surgery.

These are preoperative and final photos of a young girl suffering from convergent squint since agree of 5 years.
The child underwent successful Squint corrective surgery.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sutural cataract.

Photo of Sutural cataract using my phone camera on slit lamp.

Posterior sub capsular cataract.

Using my cellphone camera through a slit lamp, photo of a post traumatic rosette cataract.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Keyser Flescher ring in a patient of Wilson's disease.

Photograph taken from my cellphone camera using slit lamp.

Non accommodative squint, treated by surgery. Pre surgery and post surgery photos.

This young boy had a long standing convergent squint, with hyper metropia.
He underwent squint correction surgery, the pre surgery and post surgery photos are presented.

Severe IOL pitting due to Nd-YAG laser.

Photo taken from my cellphone camera using slit lamp optic. The IOL and the cracks are well seen.

Advanced pterygium in an elderly patient treated by excision and limbal auto graft.

Pre-operative and post operative photo graphs of the patient treated successfully for pterygium in right eye. The corneal haze at the tip of pterygium remains but one can appreciate the normal appearance of the limbal area, which ensures that recurrance will not take place.

Final Post surgery picture 
Pre Surgery Photograph

Developmental cataract, zonular type, in a child aged 16 months.

squamous cell carcinoma at limbus.

Photo of Squamous cell carcinoma snapped using my cellphone.
There are numerous advantages of using cellphone camera for recording your clinical images.
1. The cellphone is always with you, camera is an additional payload.
2. A smartphone has so many connectivity options and so you can upload the photo, send by mail, sync to PC, share using social networking, thus the photo is never lost.
3. Significant editing can be done on phone itself.

I will be posting more amazing clinical photos using my cellphone.

Reverse cutlur beard surgery for squamous cell carcinoma, successfully treated.

These are photos of a patient operated for an eye lid cancer. The lower lid which had cancer has been cut and part of upper lid is used to reconstruct the deficiency in the lower lid. The last photo shows excellent final outcome.

Just installed a new router/ repeater at my home.

I needed to have a system which could let me share the contents of my external hdd without keeping my PC on and also download torrents independently. I got myself a multi mode router from Asus, RT-N13 U B1.
I had to do some research to install it as a repeater as I already had wifi router at my home and wanted to cover some dead spots. Now in the repeater mode with hdd connected it serves me three functions.
1. Allows all my gadgets, including computer, laptop, android tablet, and phone to access my hdd contents.
2. Download torrents independently without keeping my PC on.
3. Save the torrents to the hdd and so that there are no duplicates and all can share the contents.
However the download manager provided of not good, the download speeds are not updated Realtime and the downloads are slow.
यह उम्मीद के मुताबिक तो नहीं है मगर थोड़े सॉफ्टवेर बेहतरी से अच्छा काम कर सकता है।

About me

I am Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Gupta, Associate Professor in the department of Ophthalmology, CSMMU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.